Map of "Lizard Transit Authority" shuttle service to start the Spring Semester 2016. Click on the image to enlarge it.
Winter and early spring parking updates for Truckee Meadows Community College students and staff include seasonal safety tips from the University Police Services - ѿapp Substation, and an updated "Lizard Transit Authority" shuttle map just released by ѿapp's Auxiliary Services.
The Dandini Campus shuttle service, Lizard Transit Authority, began in the Fall Semester. It serves those who park in the new overflow lot to the far east, and southeast dog leg area near the Raggio Parkway roundabout.
Updated Shuttle Map
A new stop was added for the first week of Spring Semester: shuttle pick-up and drop-off was available at the flag circle on the south side of the Sierra Building.
There are now three shuttle stops for Spring Semester:
- At RTC Route 15 bus stop north of Red Mountain Building
- Overflow parking lot to the far east of campus, accessed from Raggio Boulevard
- Overflow dog leg area near the Raggio Parkway roundabout to southeast
One 29-passenger shuttle will run the complete route every 15 minutes.
Shuttle services are tentatively scheduled from Jan. 25-Feb. 18. Hours of service are Mondays-Thursdays 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Based on need and usage, shuttle may operate longer on peak days.
The ѿapp community will be updated about any changes to scheduling by email, Facebook, and the ѿapp website.
Note that the gravel overflow lot on Raggio Parkway to the southeast of DRI, west of the NOAA office, is not open for the Spring Semester.
Safety Tips From the ѿapp Police
“With the recent snowstorms and cold temperatures, there are some basic winter vehicle safety tips that are good to know,” said Josh Reynolds, Sergeant, ѿapp Police. “Because ѿapp is located at the top of a hill, ice is an important consideration. Also, use your seat belt every time you get into your vehicle.”
Tip one: Do not stop while driving up a hill.
“During very icy conditions don’t stop, if possible, while driving up the hill on Dandini Boulevard, because once you do, you may not be able to get your vehicle moving again on an icy road,” Reynolds said. “Avoid using cruise control when driving on potentially slippery surfaces.”
Tip two: Parking brakes can freeze.
“When parking an automatic transmission vehicle on a flat parking lot, avoid using your parking break in cold weather, as it may freeze and not release,” he said.
Tip three: Vehicle theft increases in winter.
“Never leave you vehicle running, warming up, where it is accessible to others,” he said. “Vehicle thefts increase during cold weather. Conversely, never let your vehicle idle in an enclosed area such as a closed garage, as the carbon monoxide exhaust fumes are dangerous and potentially deadly.”
Tip four: The nearest gas station is across the highway – a long walk in the snow.
“Keep your gas tank at least half full to avoid gas line freeze up as well as ensuring you won't run out of gas during cold and dangerous weather conditions,” Reynolds said.
Tip five: Cold temps affect tire pressure.
“Ensure that your tires are properly inflated, as the cold weather can effect tire pressure and therefore effect the tire's ability to provide proper traction,” Reynolds said. “Drive slowly and specifically accelerate and decelerate slowly. Applying the gas slowly to accelerate is the best method for regaining traction and avoiding skids.”
A New Paved Lot Is Scheduled to Be Constructed
Facilities Operations and Capital Planning at ѿapp proposed a new paved parking lot, and the Nevada System of Higher Education approved construction at its most recent Board of Regents meeting in December.
The additional parking area will stand to benefit students with 400 additional spaces. It is scheduled to open by the start of Fall Semester.
The lot is being planned for the northeast side of campus and will be accessed from campus loop road, or lots I and G, said Dave Roberts, Executive Director of Facilities Operations and Capital Planning at ѿapp.
“We will have flashers at the crosswalk which will tie into a sidewalk to the Sierra Building walkway,” Roberts said.
Existing capital improvement funds will pay for the new lot and students will not pay any additional fees for its construction.
More information about the new parking lot at ѿapp can be obtained by contacting Facilities Operations and Capital Planning at 775-673-7100. For information about campus safety and winter driving questions, contact the ѿapp Police Department at 775-674-7900.