A series of new workshops is currently being offered to help students at Truckee Meadows Community College with their applications for ѿapp Foundation Scholarships.
“Students can learn all about the many scholarships and how to write a winning essay,” said Tara Hawkins, Scholarship Manager. “Dates and times for the sessions are varied, so there is a time convenient for everyone. With the earlier March 1 deadline, attending a session will help students complete the application faster and easier.”
No RSVP is needed to attend the workshops held in Red Mountain Building, room 112, Academic Advisement's computer lab. Students attending any of the sessions will be entered into a raffle for Fall Semester ѿapp Bookstore scholarships, as well.
- Tuesday, Feb. 2, 9-10:30 a.m.
- Friday, Feb. 5, noon-1:30 p.m., "Souper Bowl of Scholarships" with lunch
- Wednesday, Feb. 10, 10-11:30 a.m.
- Tuesday, Feb. 16, 3-4:30 p.m.
The Feb. 5 workshop, "Souper Bowl of Scholarships" is a special soup and salad lunch session with guest appearances of Financial Literacy and Money Education by Students (FLAMES) peer mentors.
The application is now live online to apply for more than 200 ѿapp Foundation 2016-2017 scholarships, and a single application is all that is needed to qualify for all of the potential awards. The online form is straightforward and should take less than one hour to finish if a student has prepared by taking one of the short workshops, Hawkins said.
After completing the application, students are matched to one or more of the hundreds of scholarship opportunities. For the eight scholarships that require additional questions to be answered—one example is the Edison Incentive Grant—students apply directly to these scholarships on the and answer the one to three specific additional question/s required for that particular award.
“At the workshops, students will find out a little more about what the reviewers are looking for and the types of information to include in their essays,” Hawkins said.
The Deadline Is Earlier This Year
The deadline for submitting completed applications is Tuesday, March 1.
Scholarships are based on many factors: scholastic merit, life circumstances, financial need and major field of study.
There are numerous awards for which to qualify, including many general scholarships open to all students. The list includes scholarships for those who are studying in a particular subject area, who belong to a specific organization or church, for part-time students, and for those who are registered with the Disability Resource Center and/or Re-Entry Center.
For more information about applying for one of the many scholarships, contact the ѿapp Foundation at 775-673-7127. For information about the scholarship workshops, please contact Jeannette Smith, Financial Aid Coordinator for Scholarships & Outreach at 775-674-7639.