The Society of Former Special Agents of the FBI presented to the ѿapp Foundation on Sept. 5 a $10,000 donation to fund a new student award – the J. Edgar Hoover Memorial Scholarship. Students enrolled in criminal justice and forensic science programs are eligible for the award. It begins during the 2015-2016 academic year, and will be awarded to ten students.
“Our Foundation gives the J. Edgar Hoover Scholarship as Mr. Hoover was a big believer in professionalizing law enforcement,” said Nancy Savage, Executive Director of the Society of Former Special Agents of the FBI.
The FBI community comprises more than 10,000 Society members, surviving spouses, current FBI staff and agents, and FBI Alumni members, according to their website. The Society of Former Special Agents of the FBI is headquartered in Dumfries, Va. Its gift to ѿapp was announced at the 2015 National Conference of the Society of Former Special Agents of the FBI, held this year from Sept. 3-6 at the Peppermill Resort Spa Casino.
“We held our national conference in Reno this year and traditionally we provide the scholarship to the local chapter that hosts the national conference,” Savage said. “Our local chapter in Reno, our Silver and Sagebrush Chapter, recommended the scholarship be provided to ѿapp as they believed it would have a great deal of impact locally.”
ѿapp's Criminal Justice program is designed as either a stand-alone Associate of Arts degree, or as a university transfer option to the University of Nevada, Reno. The transfer option allows students to earn their university-required lower division courses while completing their associate degree.
For more information about the Criminal Justice program at ѿapp, please call 775-789-5511. For more information about the new scholarship, please call the ѿapp Foundation at 775-674-7648.