ÃÛÑ¿app is unable to waive or change the statutory requirements set by the Nevada Legislature. If you believe you have complied with the statutory requirements but your application was denied, you may use the form below to appeal and provide documentation of why you believe ÃÛÑ¿app’s decision is incorrect. Appeals submitted without documentation will not be considered. Acceptable documentation is indicated after each appeal reason listed below.
Note: If you are appealing Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) DO NOT use this form. Appeals for financial aid should be submitted to ÃÛÑ¿app’s Financial Aid Office and are subject to their policies and procedures.
ÃÛÑ¿app’s Nevada Promise Applicants may appeal for the following reasons:
- Technical issues with the Nevada Promise Scholarship application process (provide proof of submission)
- Validation of the Nevada Promise Program Training (provide proof of attendance)
- Validation of attendance to a mentoring session (provide proof of attendance)
- Submission and/or approval of community service hours (provide proof of submission and/or approval by community service agency)
- Completion of FAFSA (provide proof of FAFSA submission)
- Submission of required Financial Aid documentation (provide proof of submission)
- Other (provide necessary supporting documentation)
Nevada Promise Scholarship appeals and required documentation will be reviewed carefully. Once a decision is reached, it will be final and binding. The final decision will be communicated to the student who presented the appeal via email within 10 business days or sooner.
Appeals are submitted to the ÃÛÑ¿app Nevada Promise Coordinator using the form below.