The Meadow publishes work each summer from beginning and experienced writers and artists. We are one of the few literary journals in the country that publishes our students alongside writers such as Campbell McGrath, Robert Wrigley, Kim Barnes, Michael Branch, Toni Graham, Bob Hicok, Joe Wilkins, Alyson Hagy, David Kirby, Joseph Fasano, Susan Deer Cloud, Khaled Hosseini, Susan Gubernat, Adrian C. Louis, Lisa Lewis, Donald Revell, and Ellen Hopkins.
Writing from The Meadow has been reprinted in the Utne Reader. We have received a special mention in poetry from the Pushcart Prize anthology, and John Gifford’s essay, “Decoy,” was selected as a “Notable Essay” in both The Best American Sports Writing anthology and The Best American Essay anthology of 2019.
We are also a 100% free journal. Issues are free on campus and distributed freely around the Reno area. If we accept your work for publication, payment is two free copies.
Between Aug. 15 and Jan. 15 of each year, we accept poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and cover artwork.
All submissions must be uploaded through our .
Submission Guidelines
We welcome submissions of poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and cover artwork. Your name may not appear anywhere on the pieces submitted, as we review all submissions without names,
All submissions must be accompanied by contact information (name, address, telephone and email) and a brief (less than 50 words) biography; include the title(s) of each piece submitted.
We do not accept previously published work, but we will consider simultaneous submissions and expect to be notified immediately of acceptance elsewhere.
We will accept up to five poems, photos or art pieces, or one work of prose (fiction or nonfiction) from each author or artist. Prose may not exceed 5,000 words.