LISTSERV is ÃÛÑ¿app's email list management system. It allows you to manage opt-in email lists, such as discussion groups, email newsletters and announcement lists.
By initiating or continuing a subscription to any College-supported mailing list, you agree to hold Truckee Meadows Community College (ÃÛÑ¿app) and the list owners harmless for any opinions expressed on this mailing list. Opinions stated do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the College nor the list owners.
List Ownership
All ÃÛÑ¿app faculty and staff may request the creation of a list for the support of College discussions, courses and activities. As a list owner you agree to abide by ÃÛÑ¿app's LISTSERV policies and guidelines for all College-supported mailing lists.
Getting Help
If you need help with LISTSERV, please first review the following resources:
For additional help using LISTSERV, send an email message to "" with no subject and only the word HELP in the body. You will receive an automated reply with additional information on using LISTSERV. Note: This email is not read by people, so you will not receive specific answers to questions.
If an answer can not be found using the resources above, please contact the owner or a particular list. You can do that by emailing: "" where listname is replaced by the name of the list (the name of the list is what comes before in the list address).