A wide variety of survey research is provided for employees of the College. Faculty and staff have utilized the our office to create and disseminate needs assessments, opinion surveys, industry studies, and outcome assessments.
Conducting a survey? Institutional Research can help you!
ѿapp Survey Dashboards
Graduate Outcomes
The intent of this survey is to assess the satisfaction of graduates and their educational experience at ѿapp. Questions were designed to elicit information related to general instruction, educational atmosphere, technology-oriented education, degree-related employment and college services.
Graduate Follow-up Survey
A one-year follow-up survey is sent to ѿapp students completing an associate's degree or certificate during the academic year. The intent of this survey is to gain insight regarding graduates opinions of ѿapp, their employment status, and the degree to which students attribute job attainment and/or advancements to their ѿapp studies.
Non-Returner Survey, Fall 2020
ѿapp moved to exclusively online instruction in mid-spring 2020, due to the COVID-19 virus. ѿapp saw a significant decrease in enrollments in Fall 2020, a pattern that was repeated among community colleges throughout the state and nation. In an effort to determine why students did not return, and what steps (if any) ѿapp could take to encourage students to return, a survey was sent to our “non-returner” population: students who attended in Spring 2020, did not graduate, and did not enroll in Fall 2020.