Need a Laptop?In these challenging times, ѿapp is committed to ensuring students have the necessary tools for success. We are offering a no-cost Loaner Laptop Program to assist students without computer access.
Program Details
- Eligible students can borrow a Lenovo laptop with a 14” display, camera, and microphone.
- Laptops come pre-loaded with a standard image that includes the Microsoft Office suite and Adobe Acrobat.
- Laptops are loaned on a semester-long basis.
- Applicants must be enrolled at ѿapp for the current term.
- Note: Laptops are available only while supplies last.
How To Participate
- Complete the .
- An IT Customer Service employee will contact you when your laptop is ready. You will then go to IT NEXUS (RDMT 204) to complete your application and pick up the laptop.