Approved by the Faculty Senate September 4, 2020
Academic Dishonesty
A student may receive academic and disciplinary sanctions for an intentional act of lying, cheating, plagiarizing, or other attempts of obtaining or earning grades under false pretenses.
Academic Negligence
Academic negligence allows for faculty to assess situations of academic dishonesty with questions of intent. For students who commit minor violations of the academic dishonesty policy, there is punitive flexibility. These lapses in ethical behavior might be the result of inexperience, misunderstanding the principles of academic integrity, inadequate pre-college preparation, cultural differences, etc. Faculty are responsible for evaluating these situations to ensure there was no malicious intent, and the violations should be limited in extent. A student should not receive more than one notice of academic negligence. Multiple reports may lead to a charge of academic dishonesty.
Plagiarism: defined as: (1) the appropriation of another person's ideas, processes, results, or words without giving appropriate credit; (2) the submission of ideas, processes, results or words not developed by the student specifically for the coursework at hand without the appropriate credit being given; or (3) assisting in the act of plagiarism by allowing one's work to be used as described above.
Collusion: an agreement by two or more people to commit an act of academic dishonesty. ÃÛÑ¿app will sanction students who cheat or plagiarize and those who assist in such actions. A student who assists another in the act of cheating or plagiarism is subject to disciplinary action for violation of academic integrity.
Sabotage: the disruption or destruction of another person's work to prevent said person from completing an academic activity successfully. This could include, for example, destroying another person's written work, artwork, experiment, or design. Failure to contribute to a required team project can also be considered academic sabotage.