Truckee Meadows Community College's Sign and Way-Finding Standards have been developed to create uniformity and to give visitors clear information while on campus. The following are recommended guidelines.
See Also: ÃÛÑ¿app Policy: 5005
Requests for new signs shall be made through Facilities Operations and Capital Planning. If need be, requests will be reviewed by the ad hoc Sign Committee at a later date. Final decisions on design and placement of signs will be based on the Sign Committee's consensus, budgets and existing conditions.
All proposed sign content, including digital signage, shall be approved by Marketing and Communications.
Funding: Interior office signs are funded by Facilities Operations and Capital Planning. All other signs require either departmental or capital funding. Purchasing of signs shall be done by Facilities Operations and Capital Planning and Information Technology for digital signs.
Campus Usage: Departmental digital signs will reserve the ability to display global ÃÛÑ¿app-related messages. The limit of the overall percentage of use for global messages will be no more than 15% in a given academic year.
Interior Office signs: Each room, as determined by Facilities Operations and Capital Planning, shall have a sign with the department name or the occupant's job title, the occupant's name plate, and the room number. The signs shall be displayed on the latch side of the door, if possible. Office signs have set standards, including colors and other specifications, determined by Facilities Operations and Capital Planning.
Digital Signs: Any proposed digital sign within the same area of an existing digital sign shall match in design as close as possible. The requesting department is responsible for funding the required power, network drop, hardware and software necessary for a complete digital sign installation. The responsible department must maintain and update the content to ensure the information is current and up to date.
All digital signs must conform to the following specs:
- 32", 42" or 55"
- 1"-2" black bezel
- Minimum of one VGA input
- Geffen digital signage controller unit
- Resolution of 1080i (or 720p)