Office Equivalency: Major furniture items, such as, desks, credenzas, book shelves, file cabinets, etc. are purchased for a space and the furniture should remain in the space when individuals move, if, there is functionally equivalent furniture in the new space (desk chairs will be relocated with the individual). Equivalency shall be evaluated by Facilities Operations and Capital Planning in cooperation with the appropriate dean or director, working with the end user. Furniture will be evaluated to determine if it is reusable or should be replaced.
Purchase Responsibility: Each department is responsible for purchasing new furniture if needed.
Window of Time: Each approved move request should include a preferred window of time in which the move is to take place. A two to three week window is optimal to assist Facilities Operations and Capital Planning in planning a trouble-free move. In larger moves, a designated coordinator will develop a schedule with Facilities Operations and Capital Planning and IT.
Room Services Assessment: Planning the move will include consideration of desk/computer locations in the receiving space areas to minimize rewiring and changing services. Existing electrical, data and telephone utilities will be revised whenever practical.
Campus Move Procedures: All individuals involved in a move should review these the procedures on this web page in advance of the move.
Moving Items: Facilities Operations and Capital Planning will assemble, disassemble and move all major furniture. Please do not attempt to move furniture yourself.
Personal Items: ÃÛÑ¿app will provide all major office furniture items desks, conference tables, bookcases, etc. as needed. College supplied furniture will not be substituted by personally owned furniture (desk chairs are an exception). Individuals are welcome to decorate private offices with personal items such as lamps, photographs, rugs and plants. Personal decorations are not permitted in common areas including hallways, lobbies, the student center and restrooms.
Point of Contact: A single point of contact (a move coordinator) should be assigned by the division or department for all moves that include three or more spaces.
Fixed Assets: Remember, when relocating fixed assets or sensitive items, follow procedures from Auxiliary Services Property Inventory Control.