- Introduction
- Hazardous Waste Management Laws and Regulations
- Roles and Responsibilities
- Training
- Hazardous Waste Determinations
- Waste Characterizations
- Generator Responsibilities; Storage and Management Requirements
- Proper Storage of Hazardous Wastes
- Container Labeling and Marking
- Nonhazardous Wastes
- Universal Wastes
- Notify EHS to Schedule Pickup
- Other Regulated Wastes
- Emergency Procedures
- Definitions
The Hazardous Waste Management Program (HWMP) was developed to supplement the overall ѿapp EHS system with regards to protecting human health and safety, appropriately managing various site wastes, reducing negative impact to the environment, managing disposal costs, and ensuring regulatory compliance.
The HWMP provides information for the proper management and disposal of three types of waste found at ѿapp: hazardous waste, regulated nonhazardous waste and universal waste.
The HWMP will inform faculty, staff, employees and students at ѿapp of policies and procedures created to ensure compliance with all laws and regulations surrounding the proper management of hazardous and other regulated wastes.
Hazardous Waste Management Laws and Regulations
Nevada is an EPA Authorized state. State authorization is a rulemaking process that EPA delegates the primary responsibility of implementing the RCRA hazardous waste program to individual states in lieu of EPA. This process ensures national consistency and minimum standards while providing flexibility to states in implementing rules. State statutes are documented in Nevada Administrative Code 459 ().
RCRA establishes “Cradle-to-Grave” waste ownership for hazardous waste generators. Once a hazardous waste is generated, the generator is entirely responsible for its proper management until it is destroyed, recycled, or treated.