- ѿapp Policy Statement
- Purpose and Scope
- Roles and Responsibilities
- Scope of Coverage
- Definitions
- Exposure Determination
- Compliance
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Housekeeping
- Sharps Management
- Medical Treatment and Evaluation
- Training and Records
ѿapp Policy Statement
The ѿapp Environmental Health and Safety Office's (EHS) mission is to support the Truckee Meadows Community College (ѿapp) teaching and service functions. EHS assists organizational units in meeting their responsibility to protect the environment and to provide a safe and healthful place of employment and learning. This program has been developed in accordance with (Bloodborne Pathogens).
Purpose and Scope
The goal of the ѿapp Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan (ECP) is to outline the basic requirements of the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens standard and procedures at Truckee Meadows Community College (ѿapp). General requirements include:
- A written exposure control plan, reviewed and updated annually;
- Use of universal precautions;
- Consideration, implementation, and use of safer engineered needles, sharps, and equipment;
- Use of engineered and work practice controls and appropriate personal protective equipment (gloves, face and eye protection, gowns);
- Hepatitis B vaccine offered to affected employees free of cost;
- Medical follow-up in the event of exposure;
- Use of labels or color-coding for items such as sharps disposal boxes and containers for regulated waste, contaminated laundry, and certain specimens;
- Proper containment of all regulated waste; and
- Employee training.