The ѿapp Educational Partnership Programs (EPP) is a support and resource program for eligible ѿapp students. To be considered for acceptance into the program please read and complete the Educational Partnership Programs Application.
Services & Benefits (contingent upon student need, eligibility and budget constraints):
- Academic Advising
- Counseling (Career, Academic, Personal)
- Referrals for Instructional Assistance
- Referrals for Community Assistance
- Books (some supplies may also be covered, upon request)
- Transportation Assistance (bus tickets/gas cards upon request and budget availability)
- Child Care Subsidy (may assist with child care costs during class times)
- Healthcare referrals and resources
- Resources for Additional Financial Assistance
- Assistance in identifying Internships and Work Experience opportunities
- Job Search and Scholarship Workshops
- Participant Support and Advocacy
- Career Interests and Personality Assessments
- Continue to meet eligibility requirements qualifying as a special population.
- Attend EPP Program Required Meetings.
- Complete ACCUPLACER Assessment (Math and English placement), and be enrolled in either Math or English continuously until program requirements are met, if applicable.
- Complete Federal Aid Application (Pell) every academic year.
- Meet with Academic Advising and complete an Educational Plan in “My Planner.”
- Obtain prior approval from your designated EP Counselor if adding or dropping a class.
- Maintain a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 and successfully complete 67% of classes, if applicable.
- Contact the Coordinator of EPP if any changes in name, address, phone, marital status, enrollment status or program eligibility status.
- Contact the EPP Program staff before applying for a student loan.
- Honor deadlines for submitting PEPs, “My Planner” meetings with your designated counselor, required meetings, submissions of requests for services and other requirements as stated.
Continued Contact
The EPP team makes every effort to stay in contact with you throughout your time as a program participant which includes sending you frequent emails through your ѿapp email account. We use this method to keep you well informed about important deadlines, relevant college and community resources, wonderful opportunities for free- or low-cost items and services, scholarships, and much more! In order for this to be an effective communication tool, it is imperative that you check your ѿapp email and Myѿapp account at least once or twice a week. If a response is requested, please reply. If you change any of your contact information, please let us know right away.
Failure to meet the above performance standards may result in the participant being placed on probationary status and/or could result in termination from the EPP program.