Please check to ensure that the following ADA statement is on your syllabus:
Qualified, self-identified students with documented disabilities have the right to free accommodations to ensure equal access to educational opportunities at Truckee Meadows Community College. For assistance, contact ÃÛÑ¿app's Disability Resource Center at 775-673-7277, Nevada Relay 711, email: or come by the Red Mountain Building, room 315.
Contact us if you have questions about accommodations, services provided by the ÃÛÑ¿app Disability Resource Center (DRC) or how to work with students with disabilities in the classroom.
Request an electronic version of your textbook when you order it. If it is not available, please order an additional desk copy from the publisher.
If possible, assist with submitting textbook orders early (two months prior to the beginning of the semester) so the DRC can then convert books to an electronic format, which can take up to four weeks to complete the conversion process.
Offer to meet with students regarding disability matters in a private area to maintain confidentiality.
Attempt to contact students via email to inform them of any changes in the course syllabi.
Hold students with disabilities to the same academic standard as all students in your class. All students must adhere to the NSHE Student Code of Conduct.
Encourage students to utilize student services (Counseling, DRC, Tutoring Center); consult the DRC disability specialist.
Offer assistance in an emergency or classroom evacuation, if needed.