ÃÛÑ¿app provides free services to qualified students with documented disabilities who self-identify and register at the Disability Resource Center (DRC). Services and accommodations are determined on a case-by-case basis by a DRC specialist based on the information provided by the student and the supporting documentation.
Registered DRC students with a visual, physical or cognitive impairment that substantially limits the individual in seeing or reading normal printed materials may qualify for alternate formats as an auxiliary aid to provide equal access to printed course materials.
There may be limitations to the availability of some materials to be converted into alternate text as outlined in Nevada Revised Statute 396.546, including non-textual mathematics, computer and science materials. Non-textbook materials may not be available in alternate formats.
Definition of Alternate Text/Formats (AT/F)
Alternate Text/Formats (AT/F) are print materials that are provided in formats other than the standard print format. AT/F may include electronic text, large print text and/or Braille.
Student Responsibilities and Procedures Include:
- Formally and complete an intake interview with a DRC specialist.
- Submit a request for Alternate Text/Formats (AT/F) through AIM as soon as you have registered for classes.
- Provide adequate documentation to support AT/F as an approved accommodation (approval will be contingent on a review of the documentation by the DRC intake staff).
- Attend a recommended meeting with the AT/F specialist.Â
- Students must be currently enrolled in the course for which they are requesting AT/F.
- Students are required to purchase the textbook(s) for which they are requesting AT/F be provided and must furnish a receipt or proof of ownership to the DRC for all materials that are requested to be reproduced into an AT/F.
- The DRC cannot guarantee AT/F will be available at the start of the course for requests received less than 21 days before the start of class.
- Communicate preferred AT/F (appropriate to the approved accommodations and the student's documented disability) to the DRC AT/F specialist.
- The students is responsible for providing the DRC AT/F specialist—in a timely manner—other course materials (whether online or handed out in class) that need to be converted to AT/F.
- When necessary, be prepared to provide the textbook for a short period of time on request from the DRC in order to reproduce the textbook. This is a high-speed scanning process, which may require that a book be unbound and returned in loose leaf format, that converts the print materials into an AT/F.
- Follow all standard copyright laws pertaining to usage of AT/F reproductions from the DRC.
- Notify the DRC as soon as possible when a class is dropped. All loaned CDs, software and equipment must be returned at that time.
- Complete an Equipment Loan Agreement in AIM, and abide by the terms of the contract when specialized adaptive equipment is checked out. All equipment must be returned within two weeks of the end of the semester.
- Each semester, return all software and hardware loaned by the DRC by the return date listed on the Equipment Loan Agreement. A hold may be placed on the student's ÃÛÑ¿app student account until the materials are returned or the replacement cost listed on the loan agreement is paid to Accounting Services.
- Notify the DRC of any problems as soon as possible.
DRC Responsibilities Include:
- Upon receipt of the written notification of the AT/F request, the DRC staff will convert specified required course textbook(s) and reading materials into a format that addresses the student's disability needs per the provided documentation.
- As a courtesy service, the DRC provides limited basic training sessions in the use of screen reading software and some scan-and-read technologies upon request.
- While the time to produce AT/F materials varies depending on a variety of factors outside of the DRC staff's control, the DRC makes every effort to convert materials in a timely manner in order to assist students with receiving equal access to their educational materials.
- If the DRC needs to disassemble a student's textbook in order to convert it to an alternate format, it will be reassembled at no cost to the student; however, it may be in an altered condition upon its return.
Faculty Responsibilities Include:
- Upon written notification from the student and/or the DRC, the faculty member teaching the course will provide the DRC with copies of requested print materials at least 21 business days prior to the start of the course. This will facilitate the DRC staff in completing AT/F requests in a timely manner. Included in this request may be the syllabus, textbook information, reading list, reading schedules, and a list of all other required readings and media materials deemed necessary for conversion of the print materials.
- If circumstances do not allow for materials to be provided by the requested date, a DRC professional staff member, the student requesting AT/F, course instructor, department chair and/or appropriate dean will communicate to ascertain whether an alternative, reasonable accommodation is available for the student to complete the essential course objectives. Appropriate action will be determined at that time if AT/F conversions can not be accomplished within a timely manner.