Below are answers to Computer Technologies' most commonly asked questions.
Prerequisites for all Computer Technologies classes are listed in the and in the current .
A prerequisite is a class, test or other requirement that must be completed before a student can take a higher level course. Prerequisites are set for student success, and are the core credits you need to graduate.
A corequisite is a course that must be taken during the same semester as another course.
Several of our classes are offered in online. Contact WebCollege for more information.
Computer classes are offered every Fall and Spring Semester. See the current for a listing of all our currently-offered Computer Technologies classes.
Visit IT's computer labs website for information about hours and guidelines for all ÃÛÑ¿app lab locations.
See or to find local IT certification test sites.
Students are encouraged to contact the Counseling Center and the Academic Advising Office to make an appointment to see a counselor.
For specific questions regarding classes, you can contact the Computer Technologies Office for more information or to be referred to a faculty member.
- General