The Accreditation Committee is a standing committee of the Planning Council that serves to assist in maintaining the College’s institutional accreditation by the .
The Accreditation Committee:
- Self-assesses and gathers data and evidence of how the College upholds the NWCCU Standards and Eligibility Requirements
- Drafts and reviews the College’s self-evaluation reports towards reaffirming institutional accreditation
- Assists the Planning Council with developing Strategic Master Plan goals, objectives, and indicators in line with NWCCU Standards and towards mission fulfillment
- Informs the college community of accreditation processes and timelines and presents the committee’s work for input from various constituency groups and the campus at large
- Dr. Melissa Deadmond, Associate Dean, Assessment and Planning/Accreditation Liaison Officer (ALO)
- Dr. Jinger Doe, Faculty Senate Chair-Elect and Biology Faculty
- YeVonne Allen, Executive Director, Student Life and Development
- Dr. Julie Ellsworth Baker, Dean, Life Sciences, Allied Health and Public Safety Division
- Anne Flesher, Dean, Computers, Mathematical and Physical Sciences Division
- John Hughes, Associate Dean, Learning Commons and WebCollege
- Mike LaRue, Institutional Research
- Dr. Leslie Jia, Director, Financial Aid
- Dr. Olga Mesina, Mental Health Specialist, Counseling Center
- Jeffrey Metcalf, NSHE Specialist I, Assessment and Planning (catalog)
- Mike Peyerl, Vice President of Finance and Government Relations
- Lee Raubolt, Assistant Director, Admissions and Records
- Nicole Scollard, Director of Operations, Human Resources
- Rori Wilkis, Director, Radiation Technology Program
- Amy Williams, Dean, Business and Social Sciences Division
Accreditation Committee Meetings
The Accreditation Committee meets approximately twice per semester. All are welcome to attend. Please contact the chairs for upcoming meeting dates.