For your convenience, below are forms that faculty often use, some video tutorials, and a few general procedural guidelines. Several of the forms require two-factor authentication in order to complete the link to the form. Click on the link provided and follow subsequent prompts. The form will actually be completed through your faculty ѿapp email. For further information about any of these forms or processes, please contact the administrative assistant in your academic department or Admissions and Records.
Note: As we transition to Fluid Search in PeopleSoft, the Myѿapp login will be slightly different from what is shown in some tutorial videos. Faculty should log into Myѿapp (link on the top right of the ѿapp landing page), then click on the Staff Homepage (if you also have a student record, click the small arrow next to Student Homepage and then on Staff Homepage). Once the Staff Homepage appears, click on the Myѿapp Faculty Center.
Add/Drop Forms
To streamline the process of adding or removing students from classes in exceptional cases, we have removed the Add/Drop PDF forms from the website for both full and short-term classes and for resolving time conflicts. Instructors seeking to make such changes should promptly contact their department's administrative assistant to initiate the enrollment processes for the student.
For full-term classes, the form must be completed and submitted by noon on Friday of the second week of the term. For short-term classes, the form must be completed and submitted by noon the day following the end of the 100% refund period. See refund policy. The form is submitted electronically and requires two-factor authentication. Once required ID information is input, the link will be sent to the instructor's ѿapp email address for Administrative Withdrawal form access. The completed form is sent to Admissions and Records for processing. can also be utilized in place of the form.
Grade Appeal
To be first filled out by a student who is contesting a grade; must be done within 90 days of the end of the term in which grade was assigned.
Form is submitted electronically and requires two-factor authentication. Once required information is input, link will be sent to ѿapp email address for Grade Change form access. Upon completion the form is routed to chair, director, or coordinator, then division dean, and last to Admissions and Records for processing.
Form to be submitted electronically by the instructor when an incomplete grade is assigned. Once completed, the instructor, student and division office will receive a copy of the form.
Student Consent for Release of Records
To be first filled out by student requesting a letter of recommendation or other such validation from an instructor.