Academic Student Fees (Special Course Fees, Differential Fees, Challenge Exams, etc.).
Guideline: as per NSHE Procedures & Guidelines Manual (Ch. 7, Sec. 6, 7, 11)
Date | Task |
March | VPFA sends master course fee list to all department admins for review. VPAA sends out call to the divisions for student fee requests. |
Mid-April | All fee requests are due from the chair to the division dean/supervisor. |
Mid-April | Completed division fee request summary is due from dean/supervisor to VPAA. |
April/May | VPAA informs Student Government Association (SGA) of fee requests. |
April/May | VPAA submits fee requests to President for approval. |
Summer | VPAA submits copy of approved fee requests to VPFA for implementation and/or Board of Regents (BoR) approval. |
September | VPFA prepares fees request for fees requiring BoR approval. |
October | Fees of $50 or higher are submitted to the BoR for approval. |
December | VPFA notifies VPAA and Accounting Services of BoR approval/disapproval. |
January | Accounting Services updates Special Course Fee Master List. |
February | Admissions & Records activates Fall and Summer terms. |
February/March | Accounting Services updates student billing system. |
March | Accounting Services sends notification to department admins and VPAA's Office of updates to PeopleSoft and requests review of PeopleSoft course notes/comments to ensure fees are correct. |