All funds of any kind (e.g., cash, checks, stock certificates, etc.) or source (e.g., sales, gifts, deposits held for others, etc.), for which the College or College-related entity is responsible, must be deposited on a timely basis with Accounting Services or with the ÃÛÑ¿app Foundation as appropriate.
- College cash/check gifts must be deposited in Accounting Services.
- Any check made out to the Board of Regents must be deposited to a College department account.
- Any department depositing a College gift must complete and submit a gift report to the ÃÛÑ¿app Foundation.
- Checks made out to the ÃÛÑ¿app Foundation must be deposited with the ÃÛÑ¿app Foundation.
Handling cash is a very important responsibility. Every effort must be made to ensure proper receipt accountability, documentation for the transaction, secured transportation, accurate recording and safekeeping.
Individuals involved in handling cash must take extra care to ensure that cash is not misappropriated, is kept under proper security and that the transaction is properly recorded.
There should be a well-documented trail of evidence and accountability from the time of receipt to the time of deposit to the College bank account.
- All funds received by the department in excess of $50 cash must be deposited daily with Accounting Services. Funds received by the department of a lesser amount may be deposited less frequently, but at least weekly. Such funds must be kept in a locked storage cabinet or safe.
- Pre-numbered receipts must be issued by the collecting department for all cash/checks received which are not subject to cash register, ticket sale or other appropriate control approved by Accounting Services.
- Deposits of cash/checks must be received in Accounting Services or in the ÃÛÑ¿app Foundation office prior to 4 p.m. daily.
- All deposits received in Accounting Services or the Foundation Office must be counted and receipted in the presence of the courier. Under no circumstances are funds to be left uncounted. Funds left uncounted will not be receipted and credited to the department's revenue account until a department representative is present to witness the count.
- Cash may be secured overnight or during the weekend with Accounting Services by delivering said funds in locked bags to Accounting Services. Arrangements for this procedure must be made through Accounting Services.
- In no event are funds to be forwarded through College mail. The only exceptions are deposits for off-site locations that are picked up by the ÃÛÑ¿app mail carrier and hand delivered to Accounting Services upon arrival on the ÃÛÑ¿app Dandini Campus.
- Neither Accounting Services nor the Foundation Office will assume responsibility for funds not handled in accordance with these procedures.
- Under no circumstance shall any member of the faculty, staff or student body realize personal gain through the handling of such funds.
- At no time may department personnel "borrow" the funds for future payment.
- No bank accounts or investments other than those specifically approved by the Board of Regents are allowable for the College or any College-related entity.
- Petty cash/change funds must be specifically approved by Accounting Services and recorded on the College books.
- Timely transport of cash/checks to Accounting Services shall be the responsibility of collecting departments. Transport of deposits to the bank from Accounting Services must be made by a contracted private armored car company.